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Mediation allows you to stay in control of the process, unlike in a court where a judge decides the outcome, the participants negotiate in mediation and therefore you are more likely to come out with a solution that suits you – and you do not have to accept one that doesn’t.  There is nothing to lose by going to mediation and potentially everything to gain.   




Workplace Mediation

  • Full mediation process (stages 1 – 3) - £1000 + expenses (agreed in advance)

  • In the event that the mediation meeting does not go ahead after I have spoken to both participants (stage 1) the fee will be £250 + any expenses incurred. 

  • I offer a discount for charities - please ask about this when enquiring.

Civil & Commercial Mediation

  • A 2-hour online mediation + initial call with both participants is £1200
  • In person mediation is £1200 + expenses (agreed in advance)

  • In the event that the mediation meeting does not go ahead after I have spoken to both participants (stage 1) the fee will be £250 + any expenses incurred. 

  • In order to give parties to a dispute of a value under £50,000 the option to employ a mediator at a reasonable rate, I am part of the CMC Fixed Fee Mediation Scheme. More details here -


Please note - Both parties will need to agree to mediate and it is helpful to have agreed on this before you approach a mediator.

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